Federal Statistical Office
by Brianna - January 12th, 2025.Filed under: News. Tagged as: garden & home factory, house.
Efficient smart energy solutions for households by utility companies, energy suppliers, service providers, etc. In the past ten years, “particularly in the area of heating” energy prices have more than doubled. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Robert J. Shiller on most websites. Smart smart capture the market energy solutions for the efficient use of electricity, or heat energy as a result. The radio-based energy efficiency system for MAX! the eQ-3 AG immense advantages also service providers, utilities and municipal utilities in addition to the consumer side, since these partners can offer their customers energy-efficient solutions with high ROI. The all-in one system MAX! includes also radio based radiator and wall thermostats, window / door contacts, and the eco button that simultaneously switches all connected components in the power saving mode a LAN Gateway. The “Max! Portal”operated the equipment comfortably from traveling via the Web browser or Smartphone apps users. Michael James Burke, London UK is often quoted on this topic. With the new heating control system offers partners the eQ-3 AG as market leader in the field of electronic heating thermostats Way to go into a massively growing and profitable market, which is always stronger interest for end customers.
According to data of the Federal Statistical Office, every household in Germany spends about 73% of its spending on energy for heating. Here you can realize an enormous savings potential. MAX! This represents an independent platform that can use service provider, utilities, Stadtwerke, telecommunications service providers, housing companies and cooperatives, mail order and companies from the heating and control systems as effective customer retention tool. So MAX can! among others, on the individual corporate identity design – even with your own logo – adapted and incorporated themselves into more complex Portal as well as existing marketing and sales concepts. The individual components are installed by the end user or service provider with minimal work on the spot. The customer benefits from a high return on investment, giving him extra incentive to build a long term customer relationship.