Healthy Habits
by Brianna - October 20th, 2024.Filed under: News.
Education in values requires the application of a serious effort, steady and methodical of all of society to achieve the individual training that meets the requirement of being useful, durable and appreciated by the people and the estates as necessary, useful and worthy of be maintained over time. We need to respond to a planned action by the state and in which the commitment must be achieved, at least three key players: the family with her dedication to training from the early stages of childhood, the school and teaching methodology oriented to emphasize the development of their students as human beings and the individual himself as primarily responsible for their own education. What has failed so far the family? The family has failed in several key aspects related to its sacred responsibility to be the first school and the first source of knowledge for those who grow up in its bosom and take her to her first teacher, his early education and the first light which illuminates the ways that have to travel throughout their life. As an educator the family will have to review and improve their behavior. Here are some areas where you should do: 1. The members of the family, especially parents and adults in general should understand that children learn by imitation and not just “record” the behavior of citizens, but also try to act like them.
An honest person should have to worry about healthy behaviors, but even more to implement them before the children so that they have a mirror in which to look and thus draw a course of action consistent with the moral and healthy habits. 2. The family must have a total coherence between speech full of good advice and practical prohibitions and their behaviors in daily life. It is no use saying and doing. A lack of consistency at this level will only lead to confusion settled in that small simple and practical way to address what their parents do rather than implement what parents say. 3. often mentioned in discussions such as these. It is important to re-assume the liability have to society and God in the sense of being responsible for the upbringing, it is entirely delegated. Circumstances of modern life both parents have turned to the productive sector to offer their workforce and the work of accompanying the children has been delegated to a family or the same maid, who is the more time that passes alongside the minors and that ultimately passed his values with the aggravation that has not, “nor should be,” a pedagogical and methodological claims allowed to form better citizens.