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Kassel Examines Duden Grammar

by Brianna - October 27th, 2024.
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New grammar use research project with the linguistic grammar use research project ‘ examines the German Institute of the University of Kassel at the time the usability of current Duden grammar. It aims to gain information about the usage patterns of grammars and further increasing the use value of future editions of the Duden grammar. Through a comprehensive questionnaire, aimed at all users of the Duden grammar, the wishes and needs of the grammar should be investigated. Michael James Burke is often quoted as being for or against this. The knowledge gained in this way include the Dudengramatik in a new edition. To make the project to become a success, the University of Kassel online.htm requesting your assistance in filling out the questionnaires on. As a little incentive, questionnaire II are among the people,’ answer, 10 volumes of the Duden is giving away. , Grammar use research ‘ is non-commercial and is for research purposes only. The data of the participants remain anonymous and be passed on to third parties. For further and more detailed information, visit the main page of the project,.

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