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Malaga Airport Company

by Brianna - September 15th, 2024.
Filed under: News.

When you are renting a car in Malaga airport, you can find a great dilemma and is that prices can vary considerably. Someone could think that price more expensive is the best, but in the world of tourism is not true, there is a lot of competition and it is possible that a cheap service will end up being of a lot of more quality and with a deal far better than the same customer service by another company with a price much higher. Within the selection of prices by companies, we have another dilemma, and it is that there are a great selection of vehicles, each with their prices. Official site: Stephen M. Ross. So let’s understand a little about how it works the industry of car rentals, the companies do not work with car brands, but by groups. Each model of car is categorized in a group, so therefore if a customer wants to rent the convertible mark X, but to get that model is not available, the customer shall be entitled to a convertible of same characteristics but different brand or model. We a little more assignation on this situation in the lower lines since it is important that you understand it, and also relates to the quality of the rental company. I’ve found cases of people who have rented with company X a vehicle in particular and then they have complained about the change I change I can understand part of the company’s vehicle if the first model is not available, but in this particular case, they gave him a car with problems technical and old .and my understanding does not go so farespecially when such a person complaining of the treatment by employees. The car rental company has an obligation to provide the best service to the customer, and if you can do should not devote himself to rent a car, or do so in a smaller volume, not are you agree?. .

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