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Metal Housing

by Brianna - September 17th, 2024.
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Solid metal housing for a necklace, bracelet or leather clip / matching 35 new uncompromising motifs in the street-style Eystrup, February 2009 hard shell – smarter core: the new Timehouse design impresses with masculine presence. Because the urban “Full metal Jack” collection has the Lords of creation in the eye. The smooth and shiny metal frames are powerful versions for the dazzling STAMPS motifs. Artful ornament, provocative statements and straightforward materiality play with contrast and dialogue. For guys who dare what.

They know when it is time to stand up and to show. Metal body wraps down the clock. Is cool and heavy in the hand. Just masculine. This includes the new uncompromising designs.

35 provocative statements that leave no question. Who is the naked beauty, the warlike Indians face or the police-code 187, knows what he wants. And it shows: man wearing Full Metal Jack either on a chain, to the leather clip, or classic on the wrist. No rule. Man determines itself. The Bracelets are reflected in new colors. As an alternative to the leather there’s now silicone bracelets that go soft around the wrist.STAMPS are perforated all around, 42 x 42 millimeters and 9 millimeters thick. The Timehouse from Eystrup in Lower Saxony, Germany, that STAMPS designs and manufactures, sells the watches with partners in over 40 countries worldwide. STAMPS can be ordered on the Internet ( or via phone at 04254-9327-0. Also sold the watches also in select stores nationwide (dealer addresses on the website). Contact: Timehouse GmbH Helen Diercks, Sales Manager 04254 9327-14 press contact: list & tell, agency of communications Hans-Marcus Rover / Shirley-Anne green iron 040 – 413041-46/47 rover @ or

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