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Scientific Research Institute

by Brianna - October 23rd, 2024.
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Contemporary national scientific medicine used 230 species of medicinal plants, of which the culture is grown only 50. The need for the other plants in varying degrees, is satisfied only for by wild plants. According to the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of medicinal plants for health purposes (not including blanks for food and industrial purposes) in recent years have annually harvested in 4550 tons of plant material, including from 25 to 33 tons of native. Nowadays you can clean the pillows on the professional equipment for cleaning pads. The following describes the most important wild medicinal plants.

Stinging nettle. Perennial herb 60-150 cm tall, oblong leaves are heart-shaped, coarsely toothed on the edges. The stem and leaves are covered with stinging hairs. Burning nettle effect is due to formic acid, which are filled with thin hairs at the leaves and stems of plants. The top of hair is very fragile, because it contains a lot of silica. The end hairs break off sharp end it will hurt the skin, and poison gets into the wound. Need cleaning pads. It grows in moist, rich in organic matter soils in many parts of the country.

The main areas of blank leaves nettle are Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, Krasnodar and Stavropol, Rostov and Voronezh regions, Ukraine and Lithuania. Only for medical purposes are gathered more than 500 tonnes of nettle leaves. In addition, significant amount of this material is used for feeding birds and farm animals. The presence of valuable organic substances nettle is among the wild grasses is one of the first places. First of all, it this multivitamin preparations: the leaves of nettle are vitamin C (100-200 mg%), K, B2, carotene. In addition, during the restoration of the plant is rich in proteins, which it almost as much as in peas and beans. Chlorophyll, which a lot of leaves, is not destroyed by boiling. Therefore, in the green leaves of young nettle borscht after boiling does not turn brown.

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