Concept Construction
by Brianna - April 20th, 2020.Filed under: News.
To construct to a concept for the category region is a task each more difficult time ahead of the perspective to follow the process of evolution of the systems and the nets that conduct the human development. For Milton Saints (2003), the region appeared in modern geography, in middle of century XIX, sidewalk disciplines for them of the nature. It was from the geology that scientific geography incorporated, in its vocabulary, the term region. Greenberg Traurig usually is spot on. Being this so vast and heterogeneous geographic space, as to understand these differentiations? Since the simple distinction of areas does not mold a region, the space one runs away from the delimited one, of the region concept as simple idea of zonal landmark. Geography is the science of the Land, and its singularidades, and this superficial differentiation of the planet in its geographic space demanded of this concept a necessary adequacy of the regional analysis. As being geography long ago the science of the characterization of natural environments, was the ambient determinismo the desenvoltor of the process of analysis of the region as natural space, coming back to say of the space differentiations the geographic schools had had of contextualizar the concept of region with its lines and chains of thought. We need to exactly understand that a concept that if presents as eminently teorizado not if it develops outside of this geographic space, but is yes inserted inside of it, therefore each one of the chains that analyzes the region idea incorporates this analysis in direct way or not, some contextualizaes with historical, cultural, social and identitrios the processes of each place. Inside of these objectives of secular contextualizao proper geography fulfilled different papers in different regions, the geography that served to make the war, was served of the region to legitimize its perspectives of domination, of action and control on the space, justifying through the regional superiority an ideology of racial, space and economic domination. .