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Festival of World Music

by Brianna - February 13th, 2024.
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once again sponsoring the festival of world music: Mataro, Cruilla of Cultures 2009. Music from different places, cultures and a city scattered to enjoy, Mataro. In its May edition, the Festival makes music that fills the nights of July. Cultures Cruilla to receive this year’s visit two famous musicians such as Hugh Masekela South African and American Taj Mahal. Also the voice of the Uruguayan Jaime Roos, the wild African lo-fi “Konono N ” or the legendary band The Wailers.

These groups will be present with the Catalans, referring to the rumba training players in their parties that open and close the festival. Other groups in our country have found the space to develop, as Black Gandhi, Che Sudaka, La candombero or Alma Afrobeat Ensemble. The new scene will be present with Catalan Joan Miquel Oliver, Roger Mas, Raynald Colom and Manuel. In the end we will have the presentation of two premieres: and “Isaac Delgado & Jose Alberto ‘El Canario’ sing with La Latina.” Exclusive, after his tour of South America, Manu Chao & Radio Bemba back to Europe. Performing on July 4th the only confirmed date in Spain in their new world tour. Tickets are on sale through the ticket service.

A novelty is that the Festival will open this year a new space for the city called, is by the sea and allow for outdoor music events. The five large format concerts of the Festival will take place in this new exhibition, which has some better access, has a large parking area and is located next to the Renfe station, just off the rotunda of the statue Laia l’Archer, one of the symbols of the city, as is the Mataro, Cruilla of Cultures. For more information and tickets visit or consult in all branches of the Caixa Laietana.

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