Germany Radio
by Brianna - August 16th, 2013.Filed under: News.
Already radio and its hundreds of correspondents who reported every half-hour from the streets of the city, a station where those who less speak are the announcers. And of course, it is undoubtedly the number one radio. Radio always is already up. The secret? The participation. The announcer referred to the basic principle of communication. Listen more, talk less. How to open the border?I’ve been annealing, in your skin, that knowledge can not be imposed. If you do it one way, because it tells you the book, but the other, non-leyente builds his way, then, does have more value? That repeats or who is born to a new possibility.
You get tired of barking? Or, you see. Then made communicational democracy in other real estate and you discover that you’re not the best shade tree. The proposal: less megaphone, more communication; being new radios, information is managed and gives new meanings to the community, to the block, to the neighborhood. New meanings. The newspaper the time of Colombia, released this information. The phenomenon is of such magnitude that the most influential site of Int South Korea ernet, OhmyNews, has more than 44,000 citizen reporters who write their content; and in Germany, the tabloid newspaper Bild asked its readers become paparazzi. For Gillmor, citizen journalism not only has to do with new technology.
The most important gap in the long term involves the wealth and knowledge versus poverty and lack of education. New technologies proposed a rotation between transmitters and receivers. Thousands of blogs are published, thousands upon thousands of newsletters, radio, audiovisual spaces, in the end, the list is endless, as the continuing commitment of the new makers of messages. Embrace the future or die slowly. With us or without us the world is changing, and journalists must be in the line that leads to the future.