Intangible Cultural
by Brianna - December 28th, 2019.Filed under: News.
Curiously, the name comes from the occupation of Sardinia. Today it is the Catalan national dance originating in the region of Emporda, North of Catalonia (in the area of the Costa Brava). It is conducted in the following manner: the dancers joined hands with arms raised, in the form of circles that grow more and more when people will be joining the group. Traditionally, you can enter in the circle when you want, but you cannot separate a couple, who will be a man and woman that is on your right. In the moment in which the circle is too large, more circles are created. It is a social dance that even has a national competition of Catalonia: the Basic d Honor. The sardanas are viewable on the 12 noon on Sundays, Saturdays at 6 and a half in the afternoon Wednesday towards 7 o’clock in front of the Cathedral of Barcelona, although also carried out Sunday afternoon in the plaza Sant Jaume. In this area there are many apartments for rent in Barcelona.
It is a nice to see show. Castellers: impressive human towers is one of the traditions with more echo throughout the community, declared on November 16, 2010, Intangible Cultural patrimony of the humanity by Unesco. Is trafficking in a very Catalan tradition that even could considerares a sport, since it requires balance and sense of solidarity, peace of mind and muscles of steel. These human castles are carried out on computer (colla) and it consists of making a human pyramid as high and as stable as possible. The bolder castellers dare to do nine-story towers.
Today there are 58 teams of castellers, as the famous Colla Vella, who has more than one century of existence. But it has been found in Tarragona documents of the 18th century who already spoke of the human towers. There are a few very simple rules: first a pineapple is made, a group of people crowded, attended by people from the city, and on this basis raises Castle, by floors formed by three or four people, until the last, called anxeneta, which is usually a boy or girl. If you want to see more detail visit the official website. Original author and source of the article