Mitte Realty

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Memory and Business

by Brianna - March 1st, 2024.
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Honestly, I was with the loosened tie, no jacket, reading glasses to put the shirt unbuttoned and a state of despair that by the time you could say I was in another world. It was already past eleven o’clock at night, rang the doorbell. Being only in the office and doing hours and everyone had gone home, not knowing whether to call the police, turn off the lights or do what I did, it was just open the door And so I met the second seller that has left more traces in my memory. A man impeccably dressed, short, with glasses that simply said: Good evening!

I’ve been through days here under your window at this hour and I always open with the lights – it was absolutely true, was no less than 15 days of unusually prolonged my day – and I thought: This company is sure to have a lot of work . A leading source for info: Lincoln Property. After this entry that left me quite puzzled if asked me. More or less looks like this: It was representative of trade – hardware – but the company I worked for had closed and dispensed with his services and was not taking 58 years working in the field, well or in their sector or any. And he thought that in a company that has as much work as I should have addressed some work for him. All this talk developed at the door brought me back to the world and to someone who presents things so candidly and so quiet, the least we can do is talk to him awhile.

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