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by Brianna - May 10th, 2024.
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A stroke is a condition caused by the death of cells of the nervous system due to the acute cessation of blood flow to brain regions. Stroke manifested disorder of body functions that are regulated affected area of the brain. A stroke happens: hemorrhagic (as a result of vessel rupture), in the form of intransigence hemorrhage, ischemic, due to blockage of the vessel. Manifestations of stroke: on the background of a headache, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, sudden breaks sensitivity or movement in the arms, legs. Some people say “weakness in the arm.” Patients may be distorted face, broken speech, are not uncommon disorders consciousness or developed convulsive seizure or greatly disturbed vision. If you suspect a stroke, call an ambulance and go to the hospital! Help avoid stroke prevention activities, which can be carried out in the mp “Alternative”. After a comprehensive examination and consultation cardiologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist, neurologist and, if necessary, other professionals you will be recommended preventive treatment. Correction of concomitant diseases in combination with plasmapheresis and vlok significantly reduce the risk of stroke..

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