Mitte Realty

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Earn Like The Professionals

Monday, April 29th, 2024

The money market is not directly accessible to retail investors, this helps only indirect. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Realtor. One is the savings account, the other of the money market funds. The money market itself is nothing more than a trading platform for cash – some, such as banks, […]

Negotiating From Strength

Thursday, February 29th, 2024

What makes us more relaxed during a negotiation? We do not have loose threads, that the analysis has been thorough, honest and objective, presented us with a dispassionate, positive attitude, wanting to win and win with us. Every moment of a negotiation is a source of self-knowledge and wisdom. That inner peace will manifest in […]

Real Estate Apartments

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020

Look for prospective addresses Brno – one of the most promising cities in terms of investing in buying an apartment as an investment should always take into account the geographical factor. More information is housed here: Nobel Laureate. A simple example: in 2005 in Ostrava you could buy an apartment for ridiculous by today's money […]