The Construction
by Brianna - August 10th, 2012.Filed under: News. Tagged as: art and science.
On the basis of the gotten analyses the fact of this school is emphasized very not to make use of practical lessons, many times due to interest of the part of the professors. For this reason the program of the government of which I am part well is seen, and used to advantage in its purpose, the PIBID in provides a imperdvel chance to them in being able to evaluate the performance of a professor who makes the difference in what he is considered to make. The selected pupils to participate of this project of intervention had not participated of the interview of the focal group, for diagnosising that this practical lack of incentive in lessons needed to enclose ampler totality of this school, being that this school makes use of physical space and necessary materials so that it is reached the satisfaction goals. Practical lessons can be developed in any place, however the practical lessons in the laboratory environment can awake the curiosity and the interest of the pupil, in view of whom structure of this place facilitates the comment of elements chosen for accomplishment of the applied lesson of theoretical form. The learning only happens with performance of the pupil, it learns what he himself makes not what makes the professor. The importance of the practical work is unquestioned in disciplines of Sciences and Biology and would have to occupy central place in its education (Smith, 1975).
However, the formative aspect of the experimental practical activities has been neglected, many times, to the superficial character, mechanical and repetitive in detriments to the theoretician-practical learnings that they reveal dynamic, procedural and significant (Silva and Zanon, 2000). Work this that constantly is ignored how much its importance for the operating professors in the area. The professor whereas educator must diversify the didactic procedures, making use of a fan of options where he is applied the most adjusted for the considered objectives, that the understanding favors, the assimilation and the construction of knowledge that acquires the pupil.