The Wooden Ferry On The Way In The Oslo Fjord
by Brianna - March 6th, 2019.Filed under: News. Tagged as: travel, vacation & tourism.
The MS Rigmor is Norway’s oldest wooden ferry boat ride of along magnificent houses and magnificent beaches. Every year, over 40,000 passengers, to sail by the Oslo fjord in the historic vehicle and listen to the anecdotes of the entertaining Captain come. For Scandinavian holidaymakers an absolute highlight. The travel portal presents the interesting route. Who would like to go with the MS Rigmor should get up early, since tickets can not be reserved in advance. A family of four will pay 420 CZK for the coveted trip across the water, which are approximately 52 euros. A real bargain in the expensive Norway. All aboard are to go and slowly pushes the wooden ferry from the pier.
While passengers can buy ice cream, drinks, or waffles, the captain tells of dizzying land prices along the fjords and episodes from the life of the rich and famous, who can afford such real estate. These include also Prince Haakon and Mette Marit, who also have a residence. When traveling ( range/flat rate) visitors not just to the Royal family come around to Norway. The less young holiday-makers interested in the nobility and their possessions are fascinated by the seductive sparkling water. The one or other then already times cocky plunges into the cool water, which can be quite warm even in the fjords. At the end of the tour the guests can either dwell a little on the beach and enjoy the last rays of the Sun, or take a walk through the woods of Kalvoya. More information: magazine.