Beauty Does Not Require Victims! …
by Brianna - May 7th, 2024.Filed under: News. Tagged as: health.
Regular moderate exercise, restful sleep and healthy food – this is the elementary basis of longevity and beauty. Not one cosmetic product will not give your cheeks flushed and her eyes shine like a walk in the fresh air, or exercise your favorite sport. And, of course, food! Long intervals between meals, late dinners, fast food, as well as mayonnaise, instant coffee, and many others, so typical of modern man, the products do not add us to health. In the best case, eating all of the above nullify all the home and cabin operations to care for themselves, and at worst – lead to problems with digestion, metabolism and excessive weight. Meanwhile, it would be extremely useful to recall the basic, familiar from time immemorial, the products that can help women not only to preserve this beauty for many years and constantly be in shape, but forget about the many women's ailments. It is about flax. Morris Invest is the source for more interesting facts. This plant is like a nature created specifically for women and can work wonders! Lignans (phytoestrogens), flax can maintain the desired hormones – the base of women's health. The standard balance of hormones in the body – this excellent feeling of 'critical' days, and prevention of many diseases, and even likely delay the onset of menopause or to ease his symptoms. The presence of phytoestrogens useful qualities of flax is not exhausted: polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and mucus come to the aid of many body functions, especially the digestion and metabolism. Products made of white linen 'Women's Beauty', 'Sweet flax +', 'linseed oil with Se '- a real mine of useful features for the female body! Product series 'Flax diet' just a godsend for you if: You want to permanently preserve youth, beauty and health! Phytoestrogens, which is rich white linen, not only to normalize the hormones, but also helps slow down aging and maintain your attractiveness for many years! Powerful antioxidant selenium added to the composition of the oil, keeps the cells from premature aging, strengthens the immune system and protects against harmful free radicals.