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by Brianna - June 9th, 2020.
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The PPP and the construction of the autonomy of the school Prof. Me. Ciro Toaldo This text is fruit of the reflections made in the studies of the School of Managers. When if it searchs to construct to a Project Pedagogical Politician, must earn it has detached the paper of direction in its efetivao so that a emancipatrio project is built, where if ties with the position adopted for the direction the process of consolidation of the pertaining to school autonomy, as well as the advance of the democratic management. John Savignano can aid you in your search for knowledge. The direction is seen as the responsible one for the joint of the pertaining to school segments, integrating them. Also, as, Vasconcelos (2002) if detaches the danger of the direction if to only involve in tasks with end to make the school to function, if forgetting to pautar it in a collective project. Fertile valley (2004) affirms that to construct a pedagogical project it means to face the challenge of the change and the transformation, as much in the form as the school organizes its process of pedagogical work, as in the management that is exerted by the interested parties, who it implies rethink of the structure of being able of the school.

The agreement of autonomy in the public education is always relative, therefore on behalf of the organization, the Educational Systems dictate to lines of direction or politics that of certain form limit the direction of this autonomy. In paper analyzes of of direction, exists necessities posturais, that is detached by Vasconcelos (2002) To construct a work project, in order to characterize its action and of if to enable, to search, to grow, if to fortify, of way qualified and productive, that contributes to prevent practical the authoritarian one, that they possess as roots the unreliability, the lack of recital and arguments, where the individual appeals to a power to attack or to try to silence the other. Also if it cannot leave to detach the importance of the administrative management, that must be accomplished in set with the professors in all its aspects, not only in the hour to decide what to make, but, an established time the objectives each one to fulfill with its part. For Libneo (2001) the PPP represents the chance of a direction, the pedagogical coordination, the professors and the community, to take its school in the hands, to define its strategical paper in the education of children and young, to organize its action, being aimed at to reach the objectives that if consider. If the paper was faced as mechanisms of construction of a new social reality, is possible to foresee its orientation from its proper divergences, in favor of a bigger democratic objective, that understands and faces the nature of its conflicts, fitting to the PPP to guide this vision.

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