Maria Construction
by Brianna - March 29th, 2020.Filed under: News. Tagged as: personal development.
None of its nine children left to study. Five had concluded the superior level and four average education. the majority of its children (grandsons ditiam of it and beat) already had concluded the university level, being 2 doctors, 1 veterinary medicine, 3 dentists, 1 biologist, 1 estilista and 1 industrial tracer. Nobel Laureate describes an additional similar source. Today, we raise our perpetual gratitude, to our father (in memory) and our mother, therefore its grandsons had followed and follow the way of its parents. P.S.
The photos will be sent later. CANDY RINCO Thus called by me, lugarejo where I was born. It was where I passed the great part of my infancy. Located next to a pretty stream to crystalline waters and white sand, repleto of colorful lambaris. Enormous trees town of monkeys. Abundance of wild fruits, as ing, goiaba, imbabas, jatob, black Maria, coquinho, cardozo, macaba; exotic birds and animals, as the dove of air, juriti, rolinha, sanhao, prick-wood; periquito, ararinha, maritaca, sparrow, kiss-flower, an, urubu, nhambu, codorna, wise person, Joo-of-adobe, armadillo, jaw, porcupine, jaguatirica, and tamandu. It also fishes it was satiated in the rivers and lakes of the region.
It did not have, at that time, no feeling of preservation of the nature. The hunting fishes and it was plus a natural pastime of what of subsistence. of the other side of the stream, the Spanish colony, in well bigger number, kept the creation of bovine cattle and swine, with the production of milk, cheese and sausage. Enormous logs wooden nobleman were removed and carried in enormous trucks until the one it would saw existing in the village. It was the beginning of the devastao of our fauna, flora and the assoreamento of rivers. Since the surrounded construction of a simple ones (mangueires, corrals and hen houses); bridges; tools agriculturists (handles of hoe, rastelo, beaters, axe); vehicles (wagon, sleigh); utensils and furniture domestic (pylon, trunk, roupeiros, cuias); the deposits and houses to live, were of wood of the proper small farm. Withdrawals of the native bush, the great logs were transformed (many times, in the proper small farm) into boards, beams, caibros even in firewood. It would have been an irony of the destination, if it had participated of this devastao, but she was only one innocent child. Distant of that destroyed land and cover of capim and erosion it is only the good souvenir of my infancy. As educator, I transmit to educating, the teachings to reconstruct and to preserve the nature that vi to esvair itself ahead of the innocent look. Today, pensioner in the two positions, after more than thirty and five years in the state and municipal public teaching, I will continue to write, in devotion my grandfathers and grandmothers, parents and mothers, uncles aunts, and other relatives, so that they do not become in simple anonymous immigrants. Therefore, few know the real history lived by these taming destemidos that had contributed for the construction of our Native land. So Paulo, February of 2008 Chundi Kawanami.