Santel Limited
by Brianna - March 29th, 2019.Filed under: News. Tagged as: law and order, other.
The court held that the shareholders' agreement dated August 6, 2001 in the disputed part contrary to the provisions of Art. 164 Principles of Civil Law of the USSR, the RSFSR Civil Code Article 566 and paragraph 1 of Article 1206 Civil Code, providing that the occurrence and termination of property rights and other rights to the property determined by the law of the country where the property was a time when the action took place or other circumstance giving rise to the occurrence or the termination of property rights and other rights, if otherwise provided by law. Disagreeing with the decision of the trial court order and Appeals courts of "Avenue Limited (Avenue Limited), Santel Limited (Santel Limited) and "Janan Properties Limited (Janao Properties Limited) addressed to a higher court, and the Resolution of FAS West Siberian Region of 31 March 2006 N F04-2109/2005 (14 105-A75-11), F04-2109/2005 (15 210-A75-11), F04-2109/2005 (15 015 -A75-11), F04-2109/2005 (14 744-A75-11), F04-2109/2005 (14 785-A75-11) The decision of the Arbitration Court of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District on December 29, 2004 and Resolution Appeal of 8 June 2005 were left unchanged, appeals the plaintiffs without addressing 2, since, according to the FAS of the West Siberian district courts in these cases there had been no violations, which are in accordance with Part 4 of Art. 288 APC grounds for cancellation of the award of First Instance and decisions of the arbitration court of appeal. Court made findings, in my opinion, absolutely not uncontroversial, since according to Art. .