Target: A Small Introduction
by Brianna - June 4th, 2024.Filed under: News. Tagged as: administration and businesses.
The target of a project could be defined of a simple form as what it will have to be it delivers to the ending of the project. Only that this is very simplrio. In the truth the target, for diverse times, has that to define what it does not have also to be made. Although curious, for diverse times not even the customer knows accurately what it desires. Then to try to understand what the customer desires and not only what it is saying what he wants is many times the key to define the target of the project.
In a project two escopos exist normally: the target of the product and the target of the project. The first one has to directly see with what it must be delivers; as directly it is related with what it must be made so that the target of the product either total reached, or in other words, the activities that will go will be executed so that the end item either delivers inside of the requirements of the customer. One of the processes most difficult of being prevented either perhaps call GOLD PLATING. That is, the promise of delivery of a functionality that was not foreseen. This, beyond diminishing the yield of the project it is one constant generating fact of insatisfao on the part of the customer because beyond ' ' not to cost nada' ' it is frequently reason for delay in the cronograma.
the form to prevent GOLD PLATING is to acquire knowledge the team, first on the real target of the project. also to show they on the risks and eventual penalties that the project can suffer in function from this practical. It is common that doubts on the target appear constantly during the project. One of the exits also of this stage of definition of the target of the project is one that I particularly consider one of most important: the management of the control of the target. A good process of control of the target of the project not only promotes the system of change control as well as a verification process of what it is or is not part of the target of the project. Because an alteration in the target of the project consequently promotes an alteration in the WBS of the project, a probable change in its line base. Go to Castle Lanterra for more information. This can bring consequences in the area of human resources (act of contract of hand of specialized workmanship to take care of to this new demand), quality, time (line base) and consequently cost. Of one it forms summarized, if a project starts it badly necessarily does not need to finish bad. But that the management process is much more ' ' doloroso' ' , this does not remain doubt. all project starts for the area of target, certain!