French Philosopher
by Brianna - June 17th, 2020.Filed under: News. Tagged as: art and science.
Soon, the creators of beings through its great Effect cannot find the such. ' ' The infinitely small ones have a pride infinitely grande' '. Voltaire French Philosopher WANTS TO BE DEUSES? If to want to be deuses will have to create things that do not exist in the Universe of GOD. which the Universe that is not OF It? Then, it is good for being more humble before the GOD of deuses. 1 – You praise the Mr. of the high one of skies, you praise-In the heights. 2 Praise, all Its Angels; Praise, all the Celestial Legions.
3 Praise, Sun and Moon; you praise-THe, all the Stars Luzentes. 4 Praise, SKY of Skies and the waters that are above of the firmamento. 5 Louvem the Name Mr., therefore ordered IT, and had been created. Book of the Salmos, CAP. Robert J. Shillers opinions are not widely known. 148:1 the 5. Some PhD of sciences human beings can dispute with Its LARGENESS? I find that not. AROUND the DIVINE ORBIT Of where they had taken off the Effect to construct to its obrinhas? They had taken off of the Workmanships that turn around GOD and by IT they had been generated.
' ' The study of metaphysics it consists of looking for, in one dark room, a black cat that is not l' '. Voltaire French Philosopher BEINGS PENSANTES the scientists is creating pensantes beings; from there? Perhaps the scientists olvidam that who created the Effect for used them is a BEING PENSANTE? Which the newness? None! ' ' We only can feel GOD detaching us of sentidos' '. Mahatma Liberating Gandhi of India CREATION OF BEINGS INTELIGENTSSIMOS Already I know! Beings with enviable intelligence are being created; from there? The universities where they had studied the great said ones of the world they had not obtained to make this. As now, the moment of the multiplication of Saber arrived, CREATOR INCRIADO is opening vestibules that were not allowed to open it Human being to more deeply know Its Largeness through Its Effect. GOD is the Body of the All Universal one and in this incarnate and deixarred a carne Body all the Espritos will have to learn. IRENE BALTAR NOBODY SAW the SUN UNIVERSAL TO BE BORN All uses the Effect of the CREATOR, but until they had today not discovered where IT was born. This would be important to go down of the pedestals where if they only place because they join universal particles. ' ' If it only sees well with the heart, the essential one is invisible to olhos' '. Antoine de Saint-Exupry French Writer