by Brianna - June 25th, 2020.Filed under: News. Tagged as: psychology.
With this it will be able to understand its emotions behaviors while dependent and thus will be able to choose other destinations and alternatives. The work will have as base injunctions, through interventions to brighten up psychic, social, affective, emotional the misalignments, and as consequencia to improve the interpersonal and biopsicossociais relationships. The Familiar Psycotherapy will be worked with emphasis in the Ethics and Psicanaltica Technique. Mission To rescue the autoconfiana, auto-esteem and to reestablish bonds affective to value and to readjust the carrying citizens of psychic lacks in the social context. Vision To promote the rescue of the moral values, spirituals, cultural educational, professional of the carriers of Psychic Suffering. To make possible a new to look at front to the suffering of mental order, suggesting new interests and diversified experiences. Philadelphia Condos has many thoughts on the issue. Philosophy To share an ideal and to construct to a dream, respecting the particularitities and the subjectivity of all the Citizens. Introduction: According to World-wide Organization of Health the chemical dependence is one illness and includes in its International Code of Illnesses as incurable and gradual and as such, needs specific cares and adequate orientaes.
Such orientaes can serve of referencial for the prevention of the old projects of pathological behaviors and help the subject to one to better develop discernment on the new intentions of life. To arrive at the diagnosis of the dependence of you substantiate psychoactive, are considered and evaluated the bio-psico-social aspects. In some cases, where already a pathology was established, that is, loss of emotional and social control, and individual and familiar values is necessary to the internment of this citizen. In this case the patient will have to be transiting between its house and the clinic. Thus, ahead of the vulnerability of the user it is urgent and necessary the medical care, psychological and familiar during the Syndrome of Abstinence. The lack of the SPAs produces a significant lack in the neuro-psychological aspects.