Mitte Realty

Your Realty Developer

Apartment Assessments

Thursday, March 31st, 2022

I would like to express my hope that the assessment of the apartment will be your easiest and nice step on the thorny path to purchase housing with mortgages and that the new home, which may be for you just around the corner, a kind word will be referred to those who contributed to the […]

Bulgarian Mortgage Lending

Tuesday, October 27th, 2020

Mortgage lending gives the signals of the motion on the real estate market, as rates have fallen in recent months, experts say consultancy companies in Bulgaria. The financial crisis may affect positively on the Bulgarian consumers, who in 2010 can be an opportunity to buy housing at reasonable prices, despite the higher requirements in respect […]

Property Transactions

Friday, September 11th, 2020

One of the key issues in the contract of deposit is "How much?" What should be the size of the deposit? Oddly enough, the exact rules but no one has yet figured out exactly how much to take interest on the amount of future transactions. Both parties may be interested in a larger and a […]

Real Estate: Art Or Work ?

Monday, September 24th, 2018

Real estate for most of us – is the most valuable material asset. Therefore, when dealing with real estate the most important thing – to protect themselves from fraudsters who try to "make hay" on someone else's property. Some time ago, many have tried to conduct real estate transactions on their own, most do not […]

Real Etate Investments

Thursday, September 20th, 2018

In what real estate is better to invest your money? Investing in the purchase of an apartment, with subsequent delivery of a lease – the simplest form of investing money with little risk. Its advantages are that for a person not engaged in business, and so it is more or less understandable. Buy a flat […]

European Investment Properties

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

As in all countries, the economy's decline was in the 8-9 years of the first decade of the 21st century. However, if the mark in general, the results did not eliminate the Bulgarians now. Despite the strong economic growth last year, the quantities of all did not rise to a successful 2007 '. Reasons for […]

Russian Homeowners

Saturday, August 27th, 2016

HOA (homeowners) in accordance with st.135 LCD Russia recognized non-profit association (organization) owners of residential and commercial premises in high-rise building. HOAs are created for the joint management of real property, in this case, an apartment house. For the legitimate existence of HOA residents at a general meeting must vote in favor of the formation […]

Bulgaria Real Estate Market

Sunday, March 30th, 2014

In early December 2008, the analyzer produced a regular analysis of the real estate market in Bulgaria. According to analyzers, the determining factor solution Russians to purchase real estate in Bulgaria and abroad in general Property has recently become a boom in thematic information media. Close media attention to high-profile events, as well as rumors […]

Fashionable Resort of Ibiza

Sunday, March 30th, 2014

In the capital of the island – Ibiza – you can see the historical sights. Here is the castle of Castel and Necropolis of Puig das Mulins, including Carthaginian tombs 4000 and Roman times. Day in the Old Town you can visit the gallery of avant-garde art. And in the evenings, most guests of the […]

Land Code Property

Thursday, February 13th, 2014

" In fact, the lease provides for no activity, and transfer of material substance – the land in use and ownership. This agreement may also introduce activities to provide additional services, but the contribution payments for the results for the value rental rate is negligible. Note that in this case, the landlord receives the lease […]