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ZAS Bank

by Brianna - February 17th, 2024.
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On Saturday February 7 this hot year, she closed my Office around 9 in the evening, I expected my lovely, daughter Karin that accompany her to galleries Seclen to buy and eat some heladito out there, which I gladly accepted and we went in the car, panicked in the Jr. Junin, opposite galleries Seclen and Banco SantanderMy daughter ran away, since already closed, I quickly got off with a flannel in hand and I started to clean the car. V was a Saturday night, there was enough people, vehicles, and I was still clean, clean!Suddenly! I note that a watchman of the above-mentioned Bank not away I look above (will be your weakness – I thought) I gave no importance, in that our eyes met at the same time committing my first clumsiness looked at the time and saw how the watchman ran to the phone and made a call, at this point I stopped cleaning the car and thought Me is confusing with an assailant! (thought me jocoso-mi carving, my) Athletic demeanor, my gaze, I know!) in these circumstances, commit second clumsiness started to whistle (hissing family known by my daughter) and to honk Horn stop he rushed and while did ZAS! appears a TICO red with the logo of a company security pouncing down two subjects wearing each one two revolvers, one goes to the door of the Bank without removing me look over, stroking with her hands the revolver through a grille speaks with the security guard, turns on a red light at the door of the BankIt directed towards my and start talking insults (unreproducible), as long as the other subject was behind me walking from one side to the other with the fingers on the trigger talking insults. I was petrified couldn’t attack me punches, I thought my spleen absent, in my omentum absent in my tail of pancreas absent, in my incisional hernia in my small children already breathed with fear, had a knot in the throat nor voices came out me. For more clarity and thought, follow up with adverum and gain more knowledge.. I thought bending me over and pick up the glove box some document that I identify but I stopped me diosas, I said!, the subjects were so altered that any gesture or even word mia could generate a terrible confusion. I chose to remain silent, the minutes were made centuries and my daughter kept choosing the color of the blouse, I wanted to shout them and tell them I am doctor, even more I am specialist, I was a scholarship in Spain, I was UNT teacher am etc., but the words were drowned in the glottis, until it was finally released my daughter ran and filled me with kisses Papi are frostedyou’re pale what? I told him nothing and abrece it so strong that she was surprised, the .sujetos to see the tender scene aback, kept their revolvers, they called the watchers and they laughed at him, we climbed into the car and without eating ice cream we left the House, there were no words of apology from them, nor recriminations from me, silence (fear or prudence) had been my great ally. The next day, told my friends in the Beach and Gustavo told me but that Bank still does not work (don’t have silver in their vaults) my God! It will be like when it works. Forbidden to approach Banco Santander. The day following Victor Hugo on satellite can put this headline in terrible confusion riddled doctor.

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