Attract Customers With Web 2.0 Applications?
by Brianna - April 28th, 2019.Filed under: News. Tagged as: internet & multimedia.
Much is reported about Web 2.0 applications. But their use for all companies is useful? And in what specific customer contact processes which application do actually benefits? These are questions that currently employ professionals from all sectors. In an online study, 83 advertising and multimedia agencies were interviewed on the topic of Web 2.0 in the customer management. After the expert consultation processes, the three Customers customer management processes are fitness, Customer approach and Customer care distinguished: customer acquisition process: Web 2.0 applications are not well adapted to attract customers. Online communities and social networking platforms are an exception, since Web 2.0 users in purchase decisions like to rely on recommendations. Career networks can also use by staff in the profile list the products and services of the company as an advertising platform and actively participate in groups. It is advisable to provide the employees a guide available. Process customer approach: By taking the customers in online communities, social networking platforms and Web logs, they will provide insights the company in their structure of need for.
A great way to live customer orientation and to build long term customer proximity offers such confidence-building measures. Through innovative techniques such as blog-monitoring or the Nethnographie can comments logged and evaluated, identified future needs and customer satisfaction analyses are. Process customer care: Customer care Unternehmenspodcasts are suitable for, because they are aimed at specific customer groups, which are interested in the content. The exclusivity of the audio and video content promises real added value for the customer this kind of communication. Virtual worlds such as second life seem really suitable for any of the processes. 6 tips for the decision pro/contra Web 2.0 applications testing, whether and how sustainable larger parts of the intended target groups in the virtual world you can be found. Track It is, for example, with a blog monitoring what is written about your company in other blogs, to get a sense of whether and in what form a private commitment target leader.
Wondering if a new Web 2.0 communication form to the established processes of communication fits. Decide whether you want to allow new freedoms in the communication your employees (and customers) to the outside. Think about how you with a possible flood of comments can work around, if you have the human and technical resources and whether you generate content and respond to customer statements or to hire a professional service provider would. Always connect the question whether you need to build its own platform to achieve your goals or whether it is sufficient to use existing social networking platforms. Heavily dependent on industry, the importance of new forms of advertising is incidentally, heavily dependent on the industry. In media/publishing, industries Trade/mail order/online trading and Telecommunication/IT suggest a high three-quarters of the experts in the future up to very high potential. Currently, Web 2.0 applications in the Internet-based client management are hardly common.