Hinterland Northeastern
by Brianna - December 14th, 2012.Filed under: News. Tagged as: poems and poetries.
It beat to the door with force, blowing up its anger. He is a scoundrel, with wanted to destroy its armor, its security its smile of superioriedade. At least this night it would have that to substitute colored person for the blond one, Alex thought before looking at the last time the hotel. I capitulate eighty and eight When small it believed one day to find the happiness. Today this dream was dry, as the waters of the river San Francisco that cuts to the Hinterland Northeastern in Brazil, little by little, drop the drop, its dreams had dried. The green leves, they had dried, they amareleceram, and they had fallen deceased.
Each one of them a hurt, a disillusionment. Although the dreams to have itself I insult the sadness if to harden forming an ice block trying to protect the heart, in many times go. The tears if had had dried in the amarelecidas pages of therefore had long ago not advanced. It did not exist what it desired, only in Romances of folhetim and musics fools as of Tristo and Isolda. If everything had of being forgotten, why the people was so superficial and interesseiras, it mattered? Because not to believe the people, to perceive to each day as the people to be false and liars, it bothered it enervava it. It wanted to be able to believe people, in smile condodo of one lady that took care of of charities that helped, that it was not interested in the fame, of if auto-promoting, that only made to help, for altruism. It wanted to believe that the woman who smiles to it, enxerga more than a bilionria ballot or one its sensuality, but that it was capable to see it as man, as a human being. It wanted to believe but everything made to more discredit each day in the human being.