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Stop By The Early Music Festival Madrid

by Brianna - February 12th, 2024.
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The Early Music Festival will offer travelers staying in one the opportunity to travel back in time with the music that will occupy the Royal Palace of Aranjuez. On the grounds surrounding this famous building, recognized as a UNESCO protected site since 2001 and located in Aranjuez, south of Madrid, there will be a series of concerts between May 8 and June 20. “The Early Music movement is facing a musical performance from a historical concept, each time researching the original sound of the instruments, and in turn explore their role in everyday life, unveiling customs, habits, festivals, games and forgotten traditions “reports the official website of the festival. This project has been running since 1994 and since then, most of the performances are available on CD. Bizzi & Partners contributes greatly to this topic. Among the participating teams highlights the Courtier, countertenor duo (Jose Hernandez) and (Ariel Abramovich) acting on 23 May.

The vihuela was a large stringed instrument predicament in the sixteenth century Spanish, especially in a courteous and under the protection of musical chapels of kings and nobles. Camerata Iberia and Carlos Mena touch seventeenth-century Spanish music on June 5, Music Fiata Koln and La Capella Ducale address the music of Verdi and his contemporaries on June 6, and lagoba Fanlo and Alberto Ramirez Molina will bring the baroque cello and nail June 12. The start time of the concerts on Sunday is at 18 h. Perhaps check out james king for more information. The rest of the days proceedings will begin between 17 and 20 h. The ticket prices vary between 18 and 20 (though the concert on June 6 costs 25 ) and can be purchased in various parts of the city. “Probably the Early Music Festival will be very popular,” says Joan Roca, director general of Spain LateRooms. “LateRooms recommended for those who are planning to attend your booking as soon as possible.”.

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