Strange Now
by Brianna - November 26th, 2013.Filed under: News.
Against a breakup of couple, we need to pass and move a grieving process. We require prolonged mourning, especially when this relationship has been significant for us. When a relationship ends, for reasons that are, always feel hurt. Something has left us without a soul. It has seized us a way of life.
It seems that when we lose a couple, and this has been, functional and satisfying, we are filled with sadness, but in this case, our self-esteem is not damaged. Could it be that we lost to the couple, perhaps, by disease, by old age, an accident. However, when our self-esteem is committed, are also full of guilt and pain, surely, this relationship ended, because there was something in the relationship that we cannot digest. Probably violence. Best infidelity, alcoholism or any other substance, aggression and violence abuse.
Therefore, we need to know what we miss in our loss. We miss those evenings full of boredom and ominous silences. We miss a Sunday meals and alcohol for our couple. We miss the lawsuits and cries. We miss not having to claim because she did all night. Or perhaps, we miss our company which was not so much. We also miss the lawsuits over money, control, by clothing, my bad ways and constant criticism. Really need to ask ourselves, if our relationship was complementary and ended. Then, perhaps, strange acts of love, sharing, love, the company, appreciation, the moments of fun, an evening with friends, a good talk but yes we had all that, then I ask myself: why term itself was as functional? We cannot fool us, each one personally has the answer. Thanks for reading, my mission and intent is the quality of emotional life C if any of the topics find you interesting it would be good for me to write and if not, also. We also have electronic material where here more on this topic and how to overcome it. How to recover trust in love: wounds and scars on the couple relationship. Find out here you subscribe to our newsletter and you will receive free of charge: the ten commandments of the life partner.