Mitte Realty

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Victory Day

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

"It is a joy, with tears in his eyes" – said about the Day of Victory poet. Indeed, in this day of joy and sorrow – next. Out of Russia family that war have been avoided. Because on this day every family to remember those who remained on the battlefields, and those who after the […]

Interior Design

Saturday, March 3rd, 2012

If you are interested in this topic – you are likely to become the owner of a new apartment or want to change my life and decided to start with the design of its interior. Design – is a conscious design, knowledge-based materials, tools and technologies, with the addition of creativity and intuition. This article […]

Interior Decor

Friday, February 24th, 2012

Interior decor, from ancient times is an integral part of architecture. Richness of decoration always shining temples, palaces of the rulers and the rich nobles. The great works of art known and unknown artists antiquity cause our admiration and delight. This article briefly describes the main areas of decorative and monumental art, widely used in […]