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BBQ Gifts

Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

1) Sets an annual quota for gifts. Last year, won’t it I believe, but spent about $800 on gifts for birthdays and Christmas to our friends, if they split that in 12 months $70 are rounded and this without counting the gifts for my family, do you think much? Because believe me much, this year […]

Socialist Presidents

Monday, May 6th, 2024

JOSE BRECHNER authoritarianism and arrogance of the progres rulers are reaching unbearable levels. If it wasn’t because rights are productive, well-educated and reflective, lovers of peace in contrast to those who wield power already had arisen seditious movements. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Professor Rita McGrath. Today, citizens are victims […]

Bolivarian Republic

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Had never made use of the right to vote in a land where supposedly ruleth democracy. But after two consecutive Lord alvaro Uribe Velez terms and all the incidents, good and bad, that have Pearl his Government, I was practically impossible to continue making me turn a blind eye on this matter. Our current President […]

State Democratic Liberal

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024

When parents and proponents of the liberal democratic State developed its treaties and campaigns, do not imagine that the system of governance that contributed to the start-up could serve as wedge to financial scandals and scams of international dimensions. The withdrawal of the State from certain public sectors in favour of free enterprise has never […]

Thermogenic And Their Properties

Monday, January 28th, 2013

The thermogenic are stimulants which produce heat. Called Thermogenesis or TG to the process of producing heat in vivios organisms. The thermogenic term generally applies to drugs, substances or medicines that increase the heat through metabolic stimulation. Three types of methods of generation of Thermogenesis Thermogenesis by associated exercises there are Thermogenesis by activity not […]